After entering the country and settling in, you must take the following steps:

1. Make an appointment to appear at DVV

Make an appointment at:

Download the form for foreigners, print it out, fill it out, and bring it to the DVV office in the city you live in - Bring your RP card, Passport, card issuance decision, personal ID number issuance (if any), admission letter , documents have been legalized if traveling with family.

There is no fee for registering to appear at DVV.

2. Make an appointment to get a Finnish ID (also known as Finnish CCCD)

Book an appointment at:

Bring your passport, 1 4*6 white background photo, RP card - this service costs about 60 euros - about 2-3 weeks later the Finnish ID card will be sent to the local post office near your home, you will receive a phone message Then go sign it.

3. Go get a bank card:

As soon as you arrive, you can immediately open a bank: Danske Bank

After having Finnish ID (CCCD card) in Finland: Can open additional bank cards Nordea, OP.

It is recommended that you open a bank card: Spankki (easy to deposit money, few questions, you can deposit money right at the cashier counter of Prisma market (Spankki is open from: 09:00 - 18:00) - but all The interface and transactions with Spankki bank are in Finnish. If you don't know Finnish, skip Spankki.

4. Change driver's license:

You should change to an international driver's license in Vietnam first, then change to a Finnish driver's license for convenience.

(From the date of entry to Finland, you can change your license in less than 6 months. If you have more than 6 months, some cities do not allow you to change your license anymore).

An international driver's license and Finnish ID card (Finnish CCCD) are required.

Schedule a health examination at any medical station, public hospital, or private hospital (fee is about 30-60 euros depending on the hospital). The names of the hospitals are: Terveystalo, Mehiläinen, Aava...

Schedule an appointment to change your driver's license at this website:

5. Kela card (card used to go for medical examination and treatment instead of insurance, applying for social benefits)

Download and fill out the online application or book Appointment to the local Kela office and make the card directly at the office.

6. Make a Library card:

The school will give you a school library card. In addition, everyone can get an additional city library card:

7. Complete tax declaration procedures, if you find a job:

Book an appointment at the local tax office, or log in and declare online at home, access link:

Welcome to Finland!


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